Keilor East Golf Club

Keilor East Golf Club is set in Keilor East, Victoria, Australia, which is a northwest suburb of Melbourne. In Keilor East is a large abandoned quarry that currently serves no purpose. It's plans are up in the air at the moment, after a proposal to turn it into a toxic waste dump proved ill-fated. This course is an imaginary proposal for the quarry. I had the pleasure of spending most of the summer of 1999 visiting my fiancee there. I acquired GBC in Australia and completed probably 90% of the design work for this course at her house.

Card of the Course:

Hole 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Out 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 In Total
Par 4 5 3 4 3 4 4 4 5 36 4 4 5 3 4 4 3 4 5 36 72
Black 393 522 219 435 177 428 366 459 592 3591 444 423 556 144 438 323 192 415 533 3468 7059
Blue 366 485 187 411 152 391 343 426 553 3314 413 394 527 123 411 298 167 390 506 3229 6543
White 332 457 156 382 129 349 317 392 521 3035 372 371 483 102 382 283 144 366 475 2978 6013
Red 301 419 135 331 103 310 285 351 462 2697 336 319 440 75 333 231 109 322 427 2592 5289
Hdcp 11 7 15 3 17 9 13 1 5   6 2 10 18 4 14 16 8 12    

1st hole, Par 4 3rd hole, Par 3 6th hole, Par 4
8th hole, Par 4 13th hole, Par 3 16th hole, Par 3